Bereisheet 129 Vegan Plant Based Cuisine Cookbook Volume 3 Hardcover


Soul Food is a staple in many communities. It combines our joy of family, food and delicious spices in one setting. It also teaches us to appreciate the love and joy of having a meal after a long long day at the office, school or playground. No waste, no guess work, no mistakes. We have done all the work. Follow this easy to use cookbook and let us get you cooking the Bereisheet 129 way!



Soul Food is a staple in many communities. It combines our joy of family, food and delicious spices in one setting. It also teaches us to appreciate the love and joy of having a meal after a long long day at the office, school or playground. As with our previous cookbooks you will learn about another member of our family. This book includes the story of the Patriarch of our household, Craig. It explains his love for food and how it has been enhanced and not diminished with this vegan plantbased lifestyle. So come and take the journey with him and learn how you can enjoy the meals you always have while maintaining a non animal product lifestyle of eating. Whether you believe it is possible or not we plan to make a believer out of you one plate and one bite at a time. Check out this book and let’s get you on the path to living a truly great Plantbased Vegan Lifestyle where you don’t have to minimize what you eat. You just learn to do it another way. No waste, no guess work, no mistakes. We have done all the work. Follow this easy to use cookbook and let us get you cooking the Bereisheet 129 way!


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