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Weekly Vegan
Meal Plans

Success is never about buying a product. This meal plan is like none other. It includes an accountability partnership. We are partners in assisting you in reaching your goals. We are not here just for your money. We want you to succeed.

Have you ever wondered why some of these fad diets and lifestyle changes you have tried just do not hold up? Of course, you have. Especially if you have spent tons of money on it.

Let me first start by saying, success is never about buying a product. Read that sentence again. Whether you pay $500 or $5 it really doesn’t matter. Many feel that they purchased something superior due to the price tag. I am here to say that concerning this journey called health it really doesn’t matter. Before you disagree with me keep reading. You see, I know many who have spent tons of money on products that failed. I know because I use to be one of them. Buying it is one thing, but applying it is totally another.

The most important thing you MUST do is buy into that lifestyle and understand that using it will indeed change your life. I can’t tell you how many unused gym memberships, weight loss pill bottles and personal training sessions I never used or started and never completed them. I either became discouraged when I didn’t see results, or I never used them at all. It is because I never truly bought into the change I was wishing for. I just bought it with a desire to apply it and that’s where it stayed, with the desire.

Just buying a product isn’t going to insure you are successful. But believing and applying it to your life will. We must not only wish to change our thoughts on what we desire. We must also be intentional with our actions. We must want to make this year your year of intentional changes and not just empty desires, wishes and unapplied prayers.

We here at Bereisheet 129 Vegan Plantbased Cuisine & Catering are here to help you. Let’s get you started with a meal plan that is unique to you and for your specific lifestyle. Please complete the form below and one of our knowledgeable and helpful representatives will get back to you within 72 hours.

Why not start today! Trust me you will be so glad you did. Chat with you soon!

Meal Plan Pricing

- 1 on 1 Monthly Consultation
- Accountability Partnership

Complete Questionnaire To Get Started